Thursday, September 24, 2009

salam lebaran!!!!

salam lebaran uat sume....the best rye after several years...ntah la tp rse rye kali nie lbih bmakne....hehe i hv someone special...everyday is hapy day to me...thankzs to the person....

best rye dpt jmpe alll my family....dgn short n my cap dorg kte ur rock chah!!! dlm umh jer!!!don get me wrong ok....thankxs to all my family cuz play an important role in my eid dayx...

n don forget to my brotherz AMIRIZAL ANWAR CHE EMBI....x cukup column family ble ambik gmbr haha xpe nnti rye malaysia plak....n last but not least.....ak kne prepared 4 my final exam hehe...pray 4 me!!! n gud luckx to all mt frenzx....n the best thing happen arinie...ak tgk my fvrute movie besh n sweet gler!!!youve got a mail.....babyeeee!!!!i got to go!!!nk men mercun!!!